Summer Writing Class for High School Student Menlo Park

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Elite Faculty

Cutting-Edge Programs

1-on-1 Instruction

Transformative Results

Axiom LearningTM Writing Tutoring Can Help Boost Your Grades

Writing skills extend beyond English class into just about every other subject. History, Literature, Public Speaking, and standardized tests like the SAT, ACT, and PSAT require strong writing skills for students to be successful. Axiom Learning offers some of the best tutors when it comes to teaching the whole writing process. Our faculty are trained to help students with brainstorming, outlining, drafting, and editing their schoolwork while also teaching them the underlying organizational and Executive Functioning skills that will allow them to become independent writers.

Ingredients For Success

Study With Elite Faculty

Fewer than 1 in 200 applicants to Axiom Learning are hired and all of our instructors hail from top universities. Our faculty know how to connect with students and are completely dedicated to ensuring their students succeed. Why wait? Start today!

Customized Learning Plans

Each Axiom student receives a customized learning plan to help them succeed in school. Our thorough diagnostic tools provide Axiom faculty with valuable data to help us create a personalized instructional strategy for each subject. Ask about Axiom's customized Academic instruction.

Experience 1-on-1 Instruction

Axiom's faculty members work directly with each student, making real-time adjustments to meet the student's academic needs. Axiom's skilled tutors, center managers, and a global education team help students soar. Learn how Axiom can help YOU improve your grades.

4 Reasons Students Struggle With Writing

Even students who are brimming with creative ideas can struggle to articulate those thoughts and put them down on the page. They may have trouble getting to the main idea of a description or difficulty retrieving words from their memory.

Our proprietary programs address these challenges by helping students to develop:

  • Stronger language processing, which leads to greater comfort with understanding and generating language. As a result, students who build their language processing have an easier time expressing themselves in writing.
  • Enhanced working memory, allowing students to retrieve words more easily, maintain a train of thought, and mentally store key ideas until they are able to record them.
  • Improved interhemispheric integration, or communication between the two hemispheres of the brain. Strengthening these connections helps students to link abstract, creative ideas to the areas of the brain that generate language.

Many students feel overwhelmed when tasked with a writing assignment and have trouble approaching it in an efficient way. Writing is a complex multi-step process and it can be hard to know where to begin.

Our proprietary programs help students develop:

  • Enhanced ability to understand instructions and break an assignment down into approachable steps.
  • Increased planning skills and the ability to logically implement the steps of the writing process including idea generation, outlining, drafting, and editing.
  • Improved task initiation, which means that sitting down to start the writing process becomes less daunting and more actionable.

The physical process of writing, which requires us to produce neat handwriting while sitting still and maintaining our energy, can be taxing for many students. Students can build stamina with writing by supporting the underlying skills that make it so fatiguing.

Our proprietary programs help students develop:

  • Strengthened fine motor skills, which improve handwriting and make it easier to write for longer periods of time without becoming physically tired.
  • Enhanced proprioception or sense of the body in space. Spatial reasoning is an essential skill that helps students to visualize how much they need to write and how to put it on the page. Students with stronger proprioception also tend to have neater handwriting.
  • Faster cognitive processing speed, allowing students to process information more quickly without becoming as fatigued.

The final quality of a written assignment often correlates with the time spent on it. For some students, expending this time is more difficult than for others. Challenges with attention and management of emotions can lead students to rush through work, often skipping over some crucial phases of the writing process.

Our proprietary programs help students develop:

  • Improved abilities with sustained attention, which allows them to invest the time and energy required to see a project through.
  • Increased emotional self-regulation, allowing students to be aware of their own feelings and take care of their needs to optimize focus.
  • Enhanced study skills for writing, including revising and editing. Building these essential habits helps students to structure their time in the writing process.

Check Out Our 5 Star Reviews

"Axiom's well-designed personal programs continue to keep our 15-year-old daughter deeply engaged… [O]ur daughter was actually excited to spend each day over this past summer at Axiom. In fact, she even continues to ask to go to Axiom on weekends during the school year!.. [S]he has demonstrated increased confidence, motivation, self-awareness and increased academic performance. In school, her teachers unanimously report increased focus and improved classroom performance – correspondingly, her grades have improved substantially in the past two terms."

"We've been down many roads in search of academic and executive function support for our 14 year old son… [Axiom has] delivered far and above any expectations. The Axiom team is as educated about learning differences as they are progressive and creative in their approach. They have bent over backwards to accommodate our schedule and evolving needs. Our son has made great progress and has felt expertly and generously supported. Axiom is a one of a kind program… Any parent searching for a comprehensive and progressive approach to help their child overcome their challenges and reach their potential will find it here."

"I couldn't have gotten into Harvard without Axiom!"

Alex K. (Harvard c/o 2018)

"I give full credit to Axiom's wonderful staff for my children's new-found understanding of HOW and WHAT to study. After a thorough assessment, we learned my middle-schooler needed help with his ability to focus and with his executive functioning. Through both practice and easy to do tricks (i.e. manipulatives to help focus his attention) Axiom is teaching him to manage his time and organize his thoughts and schedule… Their grades have vastly improved and they both enjoy school so much more. But best of all, the staff at Axiom have taught them that learning can be fun!"

"Thanks to the time and effort of Axiom's tutors, our son goes off to high school with a strong foundation of executive function and academic skills… Rather than focus on grades and academic achievement as the goal, Axiom focuses on the underlying skills that support learning, such as time management, working memory, and planning. These skills lay a strong foundation for learning and translate outside the classroom into daily life… As the academic expectations of middle school increased, the Axiom team taught our son tools and skills that allowed him to take ownership and accountability of his work."

"My 4th grader was struggling with school in 3rd grade, so we had her assessed by the team at her school (social worker, psychologist, etc.). They identified working memory issues, so she started to get pulled out of class 3x/week for support. In the meantime, we had her assessed by the team at Axiom, and they discovered additional issues. She had weaknesses in her vestibular system and visual tracking. We signed her up for LEAP, and by the end of the school year, she had made significant progress. Moreover, she was confident and participating more at school."

"Thank you. So helpful. We appreciate the wonderful help that Axiom has given to our daughter over the years, with a special shout-out to Kharis, who has been truly remarkable this year. Kharis is super bright, and completely understands her and how she best works and learns. He is masterful at diffusing her anxieties. Next steps: Our daughter graduates from Nobles with Highest Distinction. She will begin at Georgetown, and continue Skype sessions with him."

"My goodness, I wish I came to Axiom sooner. I've been tutored here for over a year now, and the support, patience, and, of course, expertise of all the instructors has given me a sense of home and family that has driven me to success I didn't think was possible. High school was rough in senior year… however, Axiom's thorough tutoring and organization techniques allowed me to get back on track and graduate with pride – they even came to celebrate my graduation with me! Right now, I am taking a gap year and working on college applications, alongside my brother, and we're both making exceptional progress."

"Both our boys have been going to Axiom for almost 2 years. Our older son gets tutoring in both math and writing…[with Axiom's team] helping him learn how to study and organize his work and thought processes. This is even more valuable because it will help our son in the long run throughout his education. The staff at Axiom also created a science enrichment program for our younger son and he thoroughly enjoyed the projects… Over the years our boys have built a relationship with the staff at Axiom and as a result are becoming more confident academically. They truly do love going to Axiom to learn!"

"We have had a fantastic experience at Axiom. The staff are all extremely capable, helpful, kind and offer incredible support to my son. They have made a huge difference to how he approaches his learning and he always leaves feeling extremely positive and happy."

"I registered both my boys, 13 and 14 years old, at Axiom during the summer of 2017 and both of my boys had a wonderful experience. Their tutors are exceptionally talented and engaged both my boys in learning so that literally they can't wait to learn more. They look forward to their instruction every day. They took Geometry, English/Writing to get a head start for the coming school year. Thank you Axiom. I think my boys are well prepared for the coming school year!"

"My son began a few months ago and his math and science grades have improved. After just a short time Miguel was able to tailor learning and study habits to my son's learning style. They do an excellent pre assessment that very accurately portrayed my son and helped to pinpoint how to help him in the most efficient ways. They have been flexible with scheduling – finding times to meet even when his schedule is tight."

"Working with the teachers at Axiom really helped me. They made me more confident in the answers I produced, and taught me how to come up with an answer to a question even if I was stuck. They use multiple teaching styles to guarantee I learn to the best to my ability, at convenient times."

"First of all this team cares. They go out of their way to give personal attention to your child and know that this gets the child fully involved… Secondly they produce extremely professional results. They not only know and apply the nuances of psychology and of education, but they track their efforts and the child's progress. I learned so much about my child's strengths and weaknesses that I was able to also support his learning better at home."

"In this fast and complicated world, Axiom learning is a guiding light when it comes to learning. The staff at Axiom are all top notch, highly educated and with a mindset that helps my child organizes her thoughts and ideas for her school work and educational future. They develop an individualized program for every student based on the school work and their needs, but somehow they make it easier and fun to learn… I do not want to be labeled a tiger parent but I can see the happiness and the confidence that Axiom gives to my daughter in her school work. It is a must!!!"

"I am a senior in high school. I started tutoring at Axiom because it had such great reviews online! And those reviews definitely lived up to what I had experienced. My tutor Chelsea is super nice and very easy to talk to. She always went out of her way to cater to how I learn in order for me to fully understand the material. I highly recommend going to Axiom for help!"

"The instructors at Axiom Learning are very knowledgeable and experienced. I have tried other tutoring services who have worked with my son and the instructors at Axiom are by far the best. They have a well researched methodology. I have seen improvement in my son's comprehension of material in a short period of time. The instructors at Axiom not only help my son academically but also work on behavioral issues. My son loves coming to Axiom. We are seeing very good results."

"We have worked with the very talented educators at Axiom Learning for over three years. They have supported our child's personal strengths and helped in areas of challenges. Axiom Learning specialists pair student with tutor so well, and treat the student with such respect, that my child actually likes going! And I'm so excited about the new, closer location in Chestnut Hill!"

"A wonderful place with great tutors that really help you based on your individual need. In all of the years I have been going to Axiom on and off, I learned a lot from each and every session. I have seen significant development of my writing skills, far beyond what I have ever imagined–going from an ESL student to excelling in my english classes. I recommend Axiom for anyone who needs a bit more of personalized help, or anyone who would like to go above and beyond in any subject."

"Axiom did an initial assessment of the areas of improvement and tailored the tutoring sessions to improve his core skills and academic abilities. We are pleased that this has resulted in improved academics and increased his confidence. The Axiom tutors he has are excellent and work well with him and he in turn responds positively to them. The fact that our son is enthusiastic about going to Axiom and attending his High School speaks volumes to his improved results and academic confidence. I would highly recommend Axiom as we continue to work with them."

Contact Us Today To Learn More

Summer Writing Class for High School Student Menlo Park


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