Kid Make Amaerica Great Again Hat

(CNN)A video that shows white high school students in Brand America Smashing Again hats and shirts mocking a Native American elder shocked the country, leading to widespread denunciations of the teens' behavior.

It was a moment in a bigger story that is nonetheless unfolding.

A new video that surfaced Sunday shows what happened before and after the come across Friday in front end of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington.

In the new video, another grouping taunts the students from Covington Catholic Loftier School in Kentucky with disparaging and vulgar language. The group of black men, who place as members of the Hebrew Israelites, too shout racist slurs at participants of the Indigenous Peoples Rally and other passersby.

The new video adds context to an encounter viewed by many as the latest sign of bigotry infecting the country. Screenshots of a smirking teen staring down Omaha tribe elderberry Nathan Phillips spread through the internet, sparking widespread outrage.

Simply a teen who says he was involved in the encounter said the students' actions have been wrongly interpreted as racist. In a argument, Nick Sandmann said the students decided to heighten their voices to drown out the Hebrew Israelites' inflammatory comments -- not to intimidate or mock Phillips. Phillips has said the teen blocked his escape.

Only neither Sandmann's argument or the video volition be the last word on the controversy. Here'southward what the video shows:

The Hebrew Israelites begin by disparaging the students

The new video was shot past a fellow member of the adult group.

The men identify equally members of the Hebrew Israelites, a move that believes some black Americans are the descendants of an ancient Israelite tribe.

A man in a long black coat does almost of the talking and shouting, occasionally banging a walking stick on the concrete for emphasis. Another man dressed in black holds a poster with the names of the 12 tribes of Israel in 1 column and another described every bit the corresponding "slave names" of different racial identities.

Teen in confrontation with Native American elder says he was trying to defuse the situation

Another man with an Afro and a Star of David necklace hanging effectually his cervix occasionally recites scripture while the person filming occasionally adds his own commentary.

The video opens with a tense encounter involving the men and a woman who challenges their behavior and calls for peace.

"Peace to what land?" one of the men responds. "How you gonna have peace to this land ... when you got this madman in the White Business firm?"

The camera pans past the group, catching the outset glimpse of the teenagers, at to the lowest degree 1 wearing a red Make America Corking Again lid.

"Then you got those pompous bastards over there wearing Make America Nifty Again hats," ane voice says. "Why y'all not aroused at them?"

Then, they disparage indigenous people and African Americans

The adult female leaves, and the crowd thins out. Filming continues equally the men read aloud scripture and engage in conversations with those who stop to talk.

Drumming becomes aural in the video and rallygoers appear in the background, clasping hands to form a circumvolve. After the drumming subsides, the men turn their focus to the ethnic community.

"You taking near peace, peace, peace -- there ain't gonna exist no peace," the lead speaker shouts.

"When has America been great for our people? When has the America ever been great for the North American Indians?" the chief speaker shouts. "America ain't never been great. It only been great for you damn peckerwoods."

And so, the camera turns to students watching a few feet abroad.

The man calls them out for wearing MAGA hats to a rally for indigenous communities. He rail against a teen he perceives to be a black pupil for associating with his "oppressor." He as well calls out Indigenous Peoples March attendees for associating with white people.

A Native American elder tries to intervene

The students were in Washington to participate in the March for Life rally before in the twenty-four hours. The Lincoln Memorial was their meeting bespeak following an afternoon of sightseeing so they could lath buses back to Kentucky, according to Sandmann.

Every bit the crowd of students grows, some of the men criticize their "racist" MAGA hats. They telephone call them "crackers" and "incest children." The video captures some students walking away.

Almost an hour into the video, the students begin amassing in large numbers on the steps behind the men. As the men continue shouting, the video captures students chanting back.

"A student in our group asked one of our teacher chaperones for permission to begin our school spirit chants to counter the mean things that were being shouted at our grouping," Sandmann said in his statement. "The chants are commonly used at sporting events. They are all positive in nature and sound similar what you would hear at whatsoever high school," he said.

A student jumps in front of the group, rips his shirt off and leads the group in a chant and dance. He retreats and the students bounce up and down as they go along to chant, attracting onlookers.

Presently enough, the sound of a pulsate builds offscreen. Phillips, surrounded by several people with drums and cameras, enters the frame. The video captures Phillips equally he walks into the crowd of bobbing teens.

"He came to the rescue," a voice is heard on the video.

People follow him, blocking the camera from what happens next.

Kaya Taitano, who shot the viral video, said the teens were chanting "Build the wall" and "Trump 2020." Those chants were non aural in videos reviewed by CNN.

The situation was starting to grow calm until Sandmann got in Phillips' face, Taitano said. Phillips kept chanting and chirapsia his drum as other boys circled effectually, "mocking him and mocking the chant," Taitano said.

Phillips said the teen blocked his path as he tried to keep moving.

"I was scared," Phillips told CNN's Sara Sidner. "I don't like the word 'hate.' I don't similar even saying information technology, only it was hate unbridled. It was similar a tempest."

Sandmann denied that he blocked Phillips' path and insisted that Phillips was the ane who "locked eyes" with him. He besides denied that anyone said "build that wall" or anything mean.

"I was not intentionally making faces at the protestor. I did grin at one indicate because I wanted him to know that I was not going to go angry, intimidated or be provoked into a larger confrontation," Sandmann said in his statement.

And so, the Hebrew Israelites return their focus to the students

The men continue talking on the video equally Phillips disappears from the shot. They describe the students' hats and behavior as a "mockery" and phone call them "future school shooters."

The comments draw the students back to the group. Some respond with boos and gather around the men.

"How you lot gonna tell somebody to go shoot upward a school -- that'south similar actually rude," says a voice from the immature crowd.

The men charge them of reaping the benefits of slave labor. The men repeatedly use the n-word to refer to the blackness teens in the group, prompting cries from group. The men ask the students if the h2o they're drinking "tastes like incest" and call the students "young Klansmen."

The teens heed for a few minutes longer, accusing the men of being racist and booing when the principal speaker uses the word "faggots" when talking nearly equal rights.

Then, the students go a bespeak from off camera to get out. They cheer and wave, chanting "allow's go home" as they run off.

The video continues for another 20 minutes as the men turn their focus to a prayer circle that formed while they were talking to the students. The lead speaker shouts denunciations of the Cosmic church building, calling its members "kid molesters" and quotes scripture.

Finally, as the last low-cal of the dominicus disappears, the men make up one's mind to leave after taking stock of the twenty-four hour period.

"This was off the chain," a voice says.


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